Lesson Learned - Volume 1 Summary

This is a very brief summary that contains spoilers and should get you up to speed for volume 2, or refresh your memory of what happened. If you haven't read volume 1, you might want to consider reading it before this summary as I tried (maybe not successfully, who knows) to make it a bit adventurous.

Volume 1 is focused on Katy developing her abilities to entering and withdrawing books from other people's libraries. These books contain knowledge, experiences, memories of others that Katy can steal, or borrow depending on how you want to think about it, when she is within a certain range of them. The books have a value to them and Katy can either check out books up to a certain value or trade other books of similar value. Each library, including Katy herself, has a librarian that manages the collection. Katy herself is able to either add to her own collection (though space is limited) and take in those memories/knowledge for use later. She is also able to donate books to others, either from her own library or from others she has stashed away. So far she seems to be using this for her own satisfaction, but she has had a soft spot for others who remind her of herself.

The characters thus far: (please don't take these summaries as they way I describe them in the story)
Katy - The main character. Pretty average looking.
Amber - Katy's best friend. They have similar classes and spend a lot of time together. Also pretty average, but it's more so because Amber doesn't put more effort into her appearance. It was alluded to that Amber had 'more than friends' type feelings for Katy in the early chapters. Later Katy pushed Amber a bit into living out some of her fantasies through her library with a make out session on her couch.
Rebecca - Katy's mother. Early 40's, single mother who works long hours. She is attractive - however, most of the comes from her large bust. She is/was considered a master of self pleasure, until Katy stole that from her and replaced her knowledge and skill with a teenage boy's working experience of how to give women orgasms (poke at it until something happens). She also currently is in possession of a few more books Katy left that contain fetishes that are slowly creeping into her life.
Trisha - A longtime classmate of Katy and Amber. Trisha is a girl who all the others girls are envious of - but really doesn't have many friends, just 'followers'. Large tits, hourglass figure, and wears much too revealing clothes. At this point in the story, she no longer works at Victoria's Secret since Katy stole her knowledge of bras/underwear - which now forces Trisha into going without those each day. Men everywhere celebrated.
Ms. Ansell - Katy's history teacher. An absolute knockout, complete 10, sex on wheels. Trisha was king of the wet dreams until Ms. Ansell was hired, so there's a bit of tension. Katy's main object of focus in the later chapters that came to a final climax in her own classroom. Katy forced Ms Ansell to live out her own fetish during a lecture, while giving her a public display fetish and her own mother's schoolgirl roleplay fetish.

At the end of the volume, Katy was warned by someone else who can enter libraries that she should find The Curator.

<-- Table of contentsVolume 2 (Part 1) -->

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