Extras | [gif version] [2] [small gif] • Source: Nee-chan, Gomen Dashichatta! [e-hentai]
Yay for no shadows! That's one really nice thing about the hentai morphs, you can get away with a lot.
It's actually kind of difficult in After Effects to transition from things under to things over. In this case, both nipples are initially under the bra, then in front - then the breasts themselves go from under the bra to bulging in front. The skirt flow didn't do what I wanted, but I was tired of trying so I left it that way. As for why the small gif has a watermark, some people have been uploading my entire gallery up to tumblr as if it's their own... tumblr can only take the <2mb gifs. I'll give them a hoop to jump through. It's not that I don't like people sharing stuff, it's the "You made this.... I made this" attitude.