Sunday, July 19, 2015


Another visitor poll pick! Continuous expansion with two stages of getting caught up on her bra - fantastic. Enjoy

Extras | [gif version] [2] [small gif] • Source: Nee-chan, Gomen Dashichatta! [e-hentai]

Yay for no shadows! That's one really nice thing about the hentai morphs, you can get away with a lot.
It's actually kind of difficult in After Effects to transition from things under to things over. In this case, both nipples are initially under the bra, then in front - then the breasts themselves go from under the bra to bulging in front. The skirt flow didn't do what I wanted, but I was tired of trying so I left it that way. As for why the small gif has a watermark, some people have been uploading my entire gallery up to tumblr as if it's their own... tumblr can only take the <2mb gifs. I'll give them a hoop to jump through. It's not that I don't like people sharing stuff, it's the "You made this.... I made this" attitude.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Viola by the Pool

Another Viola image with two types of expansion. Tried to keep it clean and smooth.

Extras | [gif version] [small gif] • Source: Viola O (Met-Art) / Viola Bailey

This image is huge... obviously at the end it was resized but working on it took forever because it was 3744x5616. In the future I'll resize it first to something more manageable. And shadows, shadows everywhere. I'm glad this one is over, it's a real pain working at .4 frames per second to preview something. It turned out nice though, enjoy.