Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Viola by the Pool

Another Viola image with two types of expansion. Tried to keep it clean and smooth.

Extras | [gif version] [small gif] • Source: Viola O (Met-Art) / Viola Bailey

This image is huge... obviously at the end it was resized but working on it took forever because it was 3744x5616. In the future I'll resize it first to something more manageable. And shadows, shadows everywhere. I'm glad this one is over, it's a real pain working at .4 frames per second to preview something. It turned out nice though, enjoy.


  1. I can tell this image was huge just by the sheer quality of it. I also want to praise your awesome knack of having them morph over the arms, pretty swanky!

  2. another great job

  3. So somehow your video links to some footage of some guy beating the crap out of a homeless dude o_o

    1. Thank you!
      I fixed it - and now we know webmup recycles urls after a while.
