Saturday, December 23, 2017

Window Watcher

I wanted to experiment with the idea of replacing the Reshape Effect within the script to Liquify - ended up messing up a bit so the tutorial will have to be done later.

Extras | no gif, only mp4. • Source: Girlfolio

This does use the J&G script, but has many additional things added on. That being said, almost all of the added on features use the expressions/control added by the script making my life a lot easier.

Also, finally fixed the random post thing over on the right to be https, so now we're all secure up in here.

Sunday, December 17, 2017

Jiggle and Grow 4 Script Release

The Jiggle and Grow Script has made it out of beta! While I'm not ready to tell people of it's existence yet, outside of this blog anyway, because the last time I released a major version a major bug was found within an hour and many people thought it just didn't work. (How was I supposed to know everyone would delete all the starting keyframes?) Plus I haven't made the advanced tutorial.

The script is available for download here.
Walkthrough videos are available for download through the J&G page. If you run into any bugs, please let me know and I'll try to get them fixed asap.

To the people that use v3, please be aware this version has changed out you apply the Effects, it's much more lenient now and should make more sense once you see how it works.