Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Early Reddit Posts

I started to post to reddit, in /r/morphs first. (I actually posted in /r/breastexpansion first and was promptly told gtfo with the "real" stuff. However, that was many, many moons ago. Things improved over time and have gotten nice.) I don't remember the exact order I made them in, but it's roughly in that order.
This is the first gif that got quite a bit of attention. When I first posted it it was only about half of this, but overtime was extended. Of all the gifs I've done this one probably has the most variations from other people altering the colors, timing, cropping, etc.

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Someone requested this one of themselves (sorry I forgot the username) and then reposted it in /r/breastexpansion under a self post talking about her wanting her own breasts to grow like the gif. And suddenly "real" stuff was wanted on /r/breastexpansion. I think at this point nobody was really making breast expansion with real people in an animated fashion. There were the same 10 gifs that got passed around over and over, and they were great, but that was it.

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This one turned into the top post for quite some time.

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At this point I decided to try and experiment a bit with making them a bit more bouncy and adding breathing effects. Some turned out a bit weird and overkill.

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