Saturday, June 6, 2015

Checkup (... more like ChestUp)

The puns are real today. Another hentai doctor office visit image where the breasts get larger and larger.

Extras | [gif version] [2] [small] • Source: Honoo no Haramase Motto! Hatsuiku! Shintai Sokutei 2

I'm sorry the hands don't move, but with what I wanted to do with the particles the hands were going to be too much to handle in the time I had to work. There is a third image from this same game I want to do, but it's the hardest of the three and will certainly take a bit more creativity to complete as her breasts are tied up with a measuring tape. In the meantime, enjoy this one.

Edit: Awww... I didn't finish the hair. Oh well, not going back to fix it. Sorry about that for those of you that noticed it.


  1. Your morphs never cease to amaze nor impress ^^

    1. Thank you! I'll keep on trying as long as people keep on enjoying them

  2. You say you're sorry for a little thing but the results are always awesome, I know how you feel, sometimes I think my head Swaps are not good but people like them, either wayan awesome job once more

    1. Thanks! It is very true what you say, after spending so much time on something you begin to pick out all the little things that are wrong that nobody else would notice.
