Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Walkthrough Using Liquify

Been away for awhile, things change and take time to get used to. But over the passed couple weeks I've been making walkthroughs for the anyone to use. They're not the greatest in the world, but it's something.

The walkthrough is available on WALKTHROUGH LIQUIFY
Duration: 12 minutes
Size: 120MB
Or you can find all the walkthroughs here.

Description: This is the easiest way to make breast expansion morphs in After Effects. I make 3 different levels, just Liquify, Liquify with more effects, and then one that uses multiple layers/masks and Liquify effects. This is just default After Effects, so no script or anything complicated. This will even likely work with the "freely" available version of After Effects from CS2 - except the mask feathering points, but that's not too bad.

Below are the results.

I apologize for the text-to-speech, but it's not too bad. There will be 2 more walkthroughs released shortly.

Go forth and please make things.

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